Saturday, January 19, 2008

Momsie's Birthday

Last weekend we went to the Jersey shore to celebrate Momsie's b-day! It was such a great time. Family is very important to us and unfortunately we do not see everyone enough. I hope to see more of everyone in this 2008 year.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chicks Dig My New Haircut

Ladies I'm back! Many of you remember that I used to model when I was just a baby. Since mom is at home, we decided to jump back into the spotlight! Camera Ready Kids is ready to take me on once again. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. Stuff should start in March. Until then, I'm getting my resume together.
Oh - it looks like my video may take 1st place in the eco-resolutions:) We should get some nice stuff!! Mom rocks!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bob Quit Smoking!!??

Finally - this Christmas I got Bob chantix (medicine that claims it has a 90% success rate to help people quit smoking). Well, he found it a few days prior to Christmas....anyway his target quit date is this coming Saturday. So far, so good (since he can smoke on it for the 1st week). But, I do think he is going to quit. Smoking 2 packs a day for the last 13 or so years it not good for anyone. Plus when your son says that smoking is cool because daddy does it...well, it kind of makes you rethink what it is you are doing to your body. I will keep you posted on his success!!

Did Mr. Christmas Bring That?

Christmas has come and gone - but William is still full of Christmas spirit! Thank you everyone for all of your cards, photos, and generous gifts. We loved everything. Only wish we could see more of everyone on the holidays. Willy got a new bike and bike video game, the whole "Cars" collection, monster trucks, cool clothes, work boots like daddy, trains, and tractors of all sizes. He loved the presents but just couldn't believe that Santa brought them all. He asked if Santa used our wrapping paper - geeze...he is only 3 and already asks so many questions!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

We R One Big Family!

Thank you everyone for all of your love and support! By far the best wedding of 2007!

Evans 2nd Annual Pig Roast 2007

Ahh - another year, another pig malled by hungry carnivores! The parties just keep getting better. Some new improvements over last year:

1. The Margarita Machine (thank eddie)
2. Baggo
3. Hillbilly horseshoes (pvc pipe and golf balls held together with rope -they play it at nascar all the time)

4. Kids & Adults!! More family BBQ Fun.
5. Pig Donated by Corker Logging Company - Thank you!!

Minor Issue: After the pig split in half over the flames we had to improvise and make a platform to lay the pig on. Next year we are not going to shove the pole up any animal arss. Hahaha. Just spread her out and let her scream!!!! Get ready 2008!!!

Willy Rounds 3rd

Beaverdam, VA
September 25, 2007

Ashley, June, and Willy all got together for another year of hillbilly fun! This year they jumped their hearts content on the moon bounce and rode more powerwheels than ever imagined! Willy's biggest surprise was his 4wheeler. Don't worry moms - he has a helmet!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Power of Fruit Snacks

Welches states: "Kids and moms pick Welch’s Fruit Snacks because they’re made with real fruit and real fruit juices and come in seven delicious flavors!"

Mommy states: "Moms pick up Fruit Snacks because anyone will do anything for a fruit snack. They are almost like Scooby Snacks, but for kids."

William would not only clean up his toys, but fold the laundry, take out the trash, and make his bed all for one pack of measly fruit snacks! And to top it off: most Fruit Snacks are fat free, containing 100% Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin C and 25% of Vitamins A and E. One .9-ounce pouch has only 80 calories.

How else did you think William posed for our save the date card!!

The Tractor

I'll never forget the day this pulled up in the driveway....Willy's eyes were for once, bigger than his head! To think, his daddy was going to be driving this huge tractor! William was so proud of his daddy. From that day on, Willy has been determined to be just like his daddy - cutting the grass, using power tools, working on cars, cleaning dog poop, stacking firewood, wearing camo, driving huge pickups (Chevy of course), hunting, fishing, race car driving.....

Country Boy

We moved to the Virginia countryside on Halloween in 2005. William was just a little over 1 at the time. Moving to the country was quite an adjustment for mommy. William loved it - tons of space to move around, no neighbor's to bother you....a whole lot of nothing was going on. For a child this was great - but for a mom who was used to the city, ahh you could say I had to change a lot of my habits. Country living is not "easy living" by any means.

1st order of Business - Bugs! They are everywhere - not like the magazine articles you read about. The air is clean, but the bugs are for real. Wasps, bees, ticks, mosquitoes, OMG - the flies, and who could forget the ladybugs (but they are harmless). And my favorite - Poison Ivy. yikes.......I had no idea.

2nd Order of Business - Forget Starbucks! Where is the closest grocery store, I mean gas station, Chinese take out or pizza delivery, Anybody??? Everything is 30 minutes away. Stuff that used to take 1 hr now takes 3, maybe 4, maybe all afternoon. Forget saying - "I'll be right back!" because that is just not happening.
3rd Order of Business - Get a Dog. Everyone in the country has a dog - so we got 4. Jessie, Harley, Daisy, & Sammie. (Chesapeake Bay Retrieve, Chocolate Lab, 2 Redbone Coon Hounds)

4th Order of Business - My Website. Since I had all of this time, I decided to give BTP a face lift.

Age 3

This is my son - William Robert Evans. Born, September 25, 2004. He loves tractors, race cars, power tools, monster trucks - your typical country boy, who loves his mama! I'm so proud to be his mother. And to think that his father and I met only 3 months before he was conceived.....what a rocky road it has been.

Considering it's a New Year - 2008, I've decided to turn over a new leaf and start blogging on someone whom I've been chasing for the past 3 years. Guess you have figured out who this blog is about - WRE.

Why?? He is the only person - besides my husband, who has really brought purpose to my life- invoking my creativity- and teaching me how to love. I've watched him leave lasting impressions on everyone he meets. To think someone so young can make you feel so special. I love you William --jennifer sabini evans